Coram Voice launches new animation ‘AdvoCat’ to encourage young children in care to get their voices heard

Coram Voice has launched a new animation aimed at encouraging young children in care to access advocacy to help them express their views when decisions are made about their lives.
‘AdvoCat’, an animated superhero character, will feature in a series of new videos to explain in a fun and engaging way to children aged 11 and under what advocacy is and how it can help them to get their voices heard.
As a leading children’s charity for young people in and around care, Coram Voice is commissioned by the Department for Education to deliver the National Advocacy Safety Net and Advice Service for England, known as Always Heard. Through this service, Coram Voice became aware that children under the age of 11 do not readily access advocacy and the younger they are the less likely they are to know about it.
In addition, many of the youngest children do not fully understand their situation, with findings from Coram Voice’s 2018 Bright Spots survey* showing that only 51% of four to seven year olds were given a full explanation as to why they were in care, compared to 82% of 11-18 year olds.
Coram Voice worked with young children to find out what would work for them in helping them to express their views about their lives. AdvoCat was developed as a response to this need, and teaches children aged 6-11 about advocacy using engaging language to address the gap in information.
AdvoCat will be available nationally free of charge on the Coram Voice website to help improve the lives of children in care and others who depend upon the help of the state. Find out more at
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